Instructions for Adsense identity verification complete.Tunes by Raton Ahmed

Instructions for Adsense identity verification

Many of you have difficulty verifying Adsense identity, this article I guide you to do just right to verify. 
Raton Ahmed adsence


Step 1:

First, you get your identity papers, ID card or license card. Note: for hard type, verify faster and easier than if you only have a soft ID card, you will use a hard license for faster verification.

Step 2:

Capture the front clearly without blowout (do not crop it in any way, keep the captured file)

Step 3:

After taking the picture, right click on the image and choose open with google driver -> google docs to open (picture below). When you open it, you can see that reading all the information on your papers is ok (there may be strange characters, it doesn't care)

adsence-Raton Ahmed

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Step 4:

You copy the correct information on your identity papers and paste in the required information (full name, address ...)

adsence tunes

Step 5:

Upon successful verification, you can immediately re-use the new address if the address on your ID is different from your current address so that the battery will transfer to your new address. (address 2 can add phone number behind so that when they return to the post office they call)

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